Shake n Bake Boneless Chicken with Roasted Baby Potatoes

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Shake n Bake is all about convenience, and really, what could be simpler. Place the seasoning mix in a bag, throw in a piece of chicken or a pork chop – shake it around so the meat is coated and place it on a baking sheet. Bake it in the oven and the meat comes out crispy – that’s it. Not only is it easy, but it is also a healthier way to cook than deep frying. But why buy a box of Shake n Bake when you can make the seasoning on your own and keep it handy for quick and easy weeknight meals? This meal kit includes 4 boneless chicken breasts, a pound of baby potatoes and the ingredients to make 4 batches of Shake n Bake so that you can freeze the leftovers to use for future meals with pork chops or another type of chicken. We even provide the baking times and instructions for whatever protein you use next time!
For this meal kit you will need a sheet pan for the chicken, a medium size baking pan for the potatoes and some vegetable oil.
Meal kits are available for pick-up at the studio on Thursday from 2-4pm. Simply pull up to the studio door and we will deliver your order to your car. In the event of inclement weather we will advise you of an alternate date via email.